Friday, February 02, 2007


So, I've finally updated all of our days here in Kenya and Tanzania. I hope you enjoy the reading - sorry if it got wordy :)

It's past 7:30 now, so it's time for dinner!

We have one more night here at Ndutu and then one last night in Africa at another lodge. Trent and I are looking forward to our hot air balloon ride over the serengeti before we have to make the trek home. This will most likely be my last entry, I'm not sure if the next lodge has internet access.

I hope you enjoy(ed) the reading, we'll see you all soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti

Quite Romantic - depending on how many other passengers there are with you.

I have enjoyed reading about your trip, learnt a few things which may make me a little more learned!!

I wish you both - ALL - a safe, comfortable and fun trip back next week.
