Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 27

We awoke at 5:45 - aren't you impressed! We had a morning game drive. For the longest time we only saw birds, but they were too far away to take pictures of. We also saw dwarf mongoose who had taken over an abandoned termite mound, then we saw a large herd of elephant! So many babies, it was great to see. Some adolescents mock charged our van - it was great! 3 young males were play-fighting in the distance, wand we all kept our eyes on the male in musth (hormones raging!), as he kept an eye on us.

We started heading back around 08:00 when an excited call came over the radio - someone had spotted a lion kill! We all raced toward the area. When we got there, it didn't dawn on ANY of us why we were told to exit the vehicle, and walk toward the "kill". We just did as we were told, because we figured the men with guns would protect us!

Low and behold, there was breakfast for us, spread out over a tablecloth, overlooking the river. We had men on the lookout for wildlife, and some guys with slingshots to keep the monkeys away. It was a great breakfast!


Right now it's 10:20 and we're waiting for a camel ride. Trent is really excited, I don't know if my stomach can do it. It's been upset the past couple of days.


I'm writing this entry while sitting on the deck of our room, overlooking the river. Some Samburu people have brought their sheep to drink at the river and there seems to be many babies! We'll be back after the ride!


So, we waited 30 mins and fell asleep in the lobby, but no camel ride. I guess the staff are worried, as the camels are over 30 minutes late - never happened before! So, we're going to teh pool to people-watch, and listen to thunder roll in.

It's so amazing being here - Africa is so gorgeous and so unforgiving at the same time. We've been marveling at elephant, giraffe, lion and leopard almost daily.

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